Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Bathroom buddy.

This handsome critter felt an urgent need to make use of our toilet this morning. True to form, it parked itself in the spot most likely to cause mayhem; directly above the toilet.

Events pretty much went according to script with only some minor improvisations from the Huntsman. S was first to discover it, Muggins was enlisted to remove it, the Huntsman eventually gave in to an irresistable force and moved on. It's like one of those formula romances for which Barbra Cartland was so famous; the plot never changes, just slight variations on the theme.

Variations on the theme were as follows;

  1. S had managed to use the toilet some time before the Hunstman put in an appearance, so she was relatively calm when greeting me with the news as I finally stumbled out of bed.

  2. I had just woken up and needed to go, as you do. S suggested I might want to hold on, but I couldn't. It's a strange experience, trying to aim accurately while also keeping one eye on the intruder. Visions of a spider leaping onto vital components added to the tension.

  3. We were able to find a container under which the Huntsman would easily fit. S suggested I coax it down to the floor and drop the container over the top of it. I vetoed that idea immediately, stating that when these hit the floor, they generally hit it running and, still being half asleep, there was no guarantee I would be able to cover it before it ran up someone's leg. S assured me that it wouldn't be running up her leg.

  4. The broom was seen by the Hunstman as a challenge, not something to run from. This necessitated a revision of strategy. Eventually, the water spray bottle S uses for ironing was called into battle. The Huntsman took several direct hits before it was convinced life would be better outside the window.

Just as well the spider did decide to move on. There'd be three people demonstrating the pee pee dance otherwise.


Pirate said...

My goodness. That is down right creepy. Spider and snakes do not make this Pirate feel to cool.

Gina E. said...

LOL LOL LOL Pete! What a saga, and all because of one of Nature's tiny miracles...OK nobody agrees with my sentiments, and I must admit I do jump when one makes an unexpected appearance. Ken grinned at your description of aiming Percy at the porcelain while watching the spider!