Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Who's On First?

I always find it amusing when our politicians find themselves embarrassed by their own. Consequently, this week started with a big grin.

Our "beloved" Prime Minister, John Howard, again revealed his arrogance by announcing over the airwaves his intention to still be at the helm come the next federal election.

Upon hearing this, heir apparent, Federal Treasurer Peter Costello, promptly threw a hissy fit, and dire hints of a "leadership challenge" swept through parliament like a tsunami. It has long been known that Mr. Costello covets the top spot, and Little Johnny did say at the last election that he was more than likely going to step aside and pass the reins to his Treasurer. Like interest rates and the Medicare Safety Net however, Prime Minister Howard has reneged on yet another promise.

I honestly can't understand why Peter Costello should be so upset. Surely he didn't expect one of his own, a consummate politician, to keep an election promise?

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